Uzbekistan. Legislation of pharmaceutical operations

The Law N 415-I on Medications and Pharmaceutical Activities of Uzbekistan dated 25.04.1997 constitutes the regulatory backbone of pharmaceutical industry.

According to the law, the government guarantees accessibility of basic medical drugs and their quality. In Uzbekistan any handling of unauthorized medications and health products is prohibited.

The Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan determines the list of medications, health products permissible for use in medical practices, and
  • arranges government procurement and controls availability of basic medications and medical products at public health institutions;
  • licenses pharmaceutical operations according to the established procedures;
  • approves the standards of laboratory, manufacturing, and pharmaceutical practices;
  • approves national pharmacopoeia;
  • exercises quality control, registration, standardization, and certification of medical drugs and health products;
  • establishes the procedures for sales, storage, record-keeping, and generation of stocks of narcotic, poisonous, psychotropic, radiopharmaceutical (radioactive) substances and ethyl spirit;
  • maintains and periodically publishes state register of medical drugs and health products.
Source: UNDP
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